What is the procedure for a domiciliary expense?

What is the procedure for a domiciliary expense?

As the name suggests, domiciliary is something that happens at or is related to a person's home; so here, domiciliary hospitalisation is a situation wherein the patient receives medical attention at their home, it can involve hospitalisation at home for a grave illness/treatment which prevents the patient from moving and domiciliary hospitalisation is common in case of senior citizens. Domiciliary hospitalisation was at peak at when Covid-19 was spreading like a wildfire due to unavailability of hospital beds for patients. 

How to file for claim in case of a domicilary hospitalisation?
The procedure is identical to reimbursement claim procedure since cashless claim facility can't be used here. Just keep in mind that your policy covers domiciliary hospitalisation. 

If you require any help or further assistance, kindly reach out to us at care@nova-benefits.com or 04049174207.