What is a Day care Treatment Procedure?

What is a Day care Treatment Procedure?

As the name suggests, a day care treatment involves medical treatments, operations or surgeries that require less than 24 hours of hospitalisation. Few examples of day care procedures are cancer chemotherapy, dialysis, cataract, radiotherapy and more. There lies a huge wall of difference between day care treatment and OPD since OPD consultations are related to smaller medical procedures such as fractures, root canal treatment etc. While day care treatment has been made possible due to the intervention of modern medical technology for complex procedures. 

What makes a medical treatment eligible as a day care procedure?
Since, we have learnt the difference between day care treatment and OPD we would have to understand that the eligibility of medical treatment under day care procedure cover comes down to two factors:
  1. The procedure/treatment has to be medically necessary, i.e., it is a complex medical procedure requiring assistance of modern medical technology. For example: cataract, chemotherapy, radiation therapy etc. 
  2. The procedure/treatment should require the patient to be admitted to a hospital and it should require less than 24 hours because of advanced medical technology. 
How do I raise a claim for a day care treatment? 
The insured can either go for cashless claim or reimbursement claim to cover day care treatment expenses. The process is similar to any other claim procedure for IPD. To understand cashless claim procedure, click here. To understand reimbursement claim procedure, click here. 

If you require any help or further assistance, kindly reach out to us at care@nova-benefits.com or 04049174207.

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